February 3, 2019 at 6:33 pm,
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Hey guys, it's Charlotte here!
Over on Channillo.com I've had my poetry series, Common Thistle, running for about three years now. It has been an incredibly long journey and, in appreciation of how far I have come since its initial release and recognition that this will be coming to an end some day, I've developed a new cover for my first collection of poetry, Common Thistle!
Unfortunately, I've been having a few issues with the site, meaning the new cover is only up on Internet Explorer (and possibly only on my computer, keep me updated!) but there's also another new poem up there for anyone who's got a membership or has been thinking of getting one and the photo shown is the new cover, in all its humble completion!

In regard to my chapbook, dim lights, dim reality; it is finally the month of the release! I am currently pushing for the 30th but currently unsure whether or not this deadline will be reached, so am doing my absolute all to keep it going.
It has been an incredible journey and I'm not sure anyone can understand how much effort, love, and growth has been fuelled into this piece. It will feature a lot of newer poems plus a few old delights and it's definitely a good feeling to have the poetry out of the way and to only have to focus on the design element.
I've been working with my designer and will be able to start featuring her company and work online as much as possible so you can all keep up to date with her too! She's been an incredible help and I cannot imagine how I would have gotten through any of this without all of people involved!
Back to the grind!
Take care, kiddies,
Charlotte Griffiths