I write angry poems for money.

Featured in-print and online internationally.

🖤 “A straight shot to the chest.” 🖤 “Goddamn you brutal.” 🖤

“I am still by my typewriter spilling stale beer all over desk and glaring at the scratches on the wall like they’re the very constellation of your freckles.” 

– "ah shit" from dim lights, dim reality the chapbook

“and I leave my love, there, on the bitumen, for whoever might need it most.” 

- "i don't really mind" from dim lights, dim reality the chapbook

Here's a little on me...

In 2015 one of my first poems was published in the Circus of Indie Artist Lion Tamer Edition, and since graduating high school and dropping out of university (twice), I’ve been published in countless online magazines, featured on numerous handles, and released two self-published chapbooks back in 2019.

Meanwhile? I’ve been doing my best to come to great terms with depths of philosophy, myself, and the mess that is adulthood. With a new career in copywriting and a new pet mouse named Rolf, I’m working toward greater heights and defining my name, thanks to all the support and opportunity I’ve received along the way.

Featured publications:

Disclaimer: All work is copyright to Charlotte Griffiths, originally posted on Mozello.com for the purpose of portfolio and later republishing or reprinting, only at the publishers discretion and with acknowledgement of original publisher. This poetry contains crude subject matter, adult language, drug references, and sexual, violent and suicidal themes. Viewer discretion is advised and appreciated.


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