Charlotte E.E. Griffiths was born in Cairns, Queensland, in May of 1998. Nurturing a love of both English and the arts from a young age, Griffiths’ work was first seen in print in her final year of high school. Her first poem “Lacking in Horizontal Focus…” was featured in the 2015 Circus of Indie Artists Lion Tamer Edition, in which all proceeds went directly to Autism Speaks. This marked the very beginning of her poetry and writing career.

Following her first publishment in 2015, Griffiths moved forward with every intention of furthering her studies.
She began at QUT University, where she studied Secondary Education (English Major), however dropped out as a result of an unfitting minor in History. From there, she moved to the University of Queensland where she finally dropped the expectations of others (or a career) and studied a Bachelor of Arts Single Writing Major.
While an enriching experience she notes as a “memorable” part of her journey, Griffiths put a pin in her studies after finally acknowledging the “hive-mind” was not something she could commit to.
She dropped out, for a second time, and returned to full-time work.
There, she thrived.
Stepping up the corporate ladder worked better for Griffiths than expected. In just a few years, she was churning out written work in her spare time, washing dishes and arranging raw meats in the daytime.

Having built her online collection on Channillo and MyTrendingStories since 2015, Griffiths welcomed her Underwood 310 Portable Typewriter in the Christmas of 2017 with loving arms. She would then build and develop her Instagram handle @c.g.poetry which gained her friends, family, and notoriety.

Since, she has written almost exclusively on her Underwood 310, has read at numerous funerals in her hometown of Hobart, Tasmania, and has been featured on numerous handles through Instagram. As a result, she saw her writing mature, and style define.

In 2019, Griffiths released two self-published chapbooks [dim lights, dim reality: the chapbook, 2019; and bathroom sink (and all the many faucets) the chapbook, 2019] with the help of her typer. These chapbooks were sold internationally, despite being entirely hand-made, hand-curated, and hand-sewn by Griffiths herself.

Her poem “Dimly Lit Room” was featured in Femagogy Zine: Issue Seven in 2019 and in 2021 “The Fan” was featured in The Showbear Family Circus. 

In May of 2021, Griffiths’ career completely turned around.

After spending a good part of 2020 planning to endeavour toward a Certificate in Professional Writing for the purpose of learning copywriting, editorial, and publishing skills, Griffiths was offered the position of a lifetime in early 2021.

She officially made her claim in the creative industry, working as a full-time paid copywriter and general creative at McKee Creative - Digital Marketing Agency, amongst her own personal work.

In 2022, she released her latest chapbook, This One's For Me, which tackled issues on mortality that Griffiths faced for some time. It was a limited release available from February 14th 2022 - June 1st 2022. While she has no plans for a new chapbook (yet) she is looking further into details surrounding publishing and has some truly unique ideas in mind. 

Currently, Griffiths resides in Brisbane in her third rental and first real home. She shares the space with Rolf (her male mouse-friend) and is still churning out new works despite hustling the truly corporate (and creative) lifestyle. 

This site contains Charlotte's available sale items, blogs, reviews, links to all other handles, a collection of her work and much more. Through Mozello.com we have been able to generate this site and upload available content with ease. We recommend this site for any beginners in websites or sales. 

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